
ClojureScript is supported by running lein figwheel externally and connecting ProtoREPL to the nrepl port

From within Atom

Open the ClojureScript project

Start the REPL (this starts a Clojure repl, that is okay)

If you created your project from a template with Figwheel helper functions (eg. lein-figwheel) have a env/dev/.../user.clj setup, you can evaluate the following function


Atom ProtoREPL - ClojureScript REPL - fig-start

Or you can use the more explicit function call


Atom ProtoREPL - ClojureScript REPL - start figwheel!

Using an External nREPL connection

Steps in detail

In a command prompt, change directory to the root of your clojurescript project and run the command lein figwheel

This will prompt you to open a browser at http://localhost:3449/, connecting to the JavaScript REPL in your browser.

In Atom, open the commmand palette, Ctrl-Shift-p (on Linux anyway) and type repl connection


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