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core.async example - toy car assembly lineλ︎

Note::Get the example project and open it in a Clojure REPLλ︎

Clone or download the Lispcast: Clojure core-async Factory example

Open that project in your Clojure editor or run lein repl in the top level directory of the project.

The toy car factoryλ︎

The toy car factory assembles car parts before distributing them. How can we make this process faster and more scalable?

The current processλ︎

One worker picks out random parts of a car from the parts box until all the parts are collected to assemble the car.

The time macroλ︎

We will use the time macro to see how long parts of our code takes to run and help find parts to optimise.

A simple example would be:

  (map inc (range 0 10000)))

Timing assembly functionsλ︎

Investigate the time it takes to carry out the different assembly line tasks

(time (take-part))

(time (attach-wheel :body :wheel))

(time (box-up :body))

(time (put-in-truck :body))

And to total time it takes to get a a whole car through the assembly line

(time (build-car))

The total time can be longer than the sum of the tasks, as the take-part function does not always give the required part needed.

Hiring more workersλ︎

Adding 10 more workers is equivalent to adding 10 processes that run the assembly tasks.

Lets use a go block for a worker

    (dotimes [number 10]
      (println "First go block processing:" number)
      (Thread/sleep 1200)))
    (dotimes [number 10]
      (println "Second go block processing:" number)
      (Thread/sleep 1200))))

These are two separate go blocks, so their is no co-ordination between the two. You can see the println statement from each go block intertwined.