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Evaluating Clojureλ︎

Practicalli recommends evaluating Clojure expressions in the source code buffer, which displays the results next to the expression until you move the cursor.

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, e f evaluates the top-level expression at cursor.

, e p f evaluates the top-level expression at cursor and pretty prints the result in a separate buffer. Useful for results that are collections and nested collections. Use the cider inspector for large data sets.

, e ++semi-colon++ evaluates the top-level expression at cursor and add the result as a comment. Useful for a design journal and when exploring a code base.

Review the evaluating expressions page for more examples and a deeper explanation.

Pretty Print resultsλ︎

Pretty Print displays evaluation results in an expanded structure which is more human readable.

, e p e displays the evaluation result from evaluating the last s-expression in a separate popup buffer window

, e p f is the same, but for the top level expression

, e p ++semi-colon++ and , e p ++semi-colon++ pretty print results as a comment under the evaluated form.

Displaying large results

, e p f or , e p e pretty prints the results into a new buffer. This is excellent for evaluating expressions that return a large result, eg. a large map. Keep the Cider Inspector buffer open to see the results of further evaluation commands, until the inspector buffer is closed.

, d v the cider-inspector is a great way to navigate through a large data structure, especially if it is nested.

Quick referenceλ︎

, e menu provides many different ways of evaluating parts of an expression, or a complete expression.

Evil Normal Description
, e ++semi-colon++ Evaluate the current expression and print the result as a comment
, e b Evaluate all the code in the current buffer
, e e Evaluate the previous expression and print the result
, e f Evaluate the current expression and print the result
, e p ++semi-colon++ Pretty print result of the top-level expression as comment
, e p : Pretty print result of the top-level expression as comment
, e p f Pretty print result of the top-level expression in a new buffer
, e p e Pretty print result of the last expression in a new buffer
, e r Evaluate code within the highlighted region
, e w Evaluate the previous expression and replace it with the result
, T e Toggle Enlighten mode, showing intermediate values