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Run Figwheelλ︎

At this point make sure you are in the project root directory hello_figwheel and run Figwheel as follows:

lein figwheel

You should see a bunch of clojure libraries get downloaded and installed into your local maven repository (which happens to be in ~/.m2 on my Mac).

After that Figwheel will start up, compile your hello-seymore.core library and try to start a repl, BUT THE REPL WILL NOT START. Sorry for the caps, but this behavior is expected.

Type Ctrl-C to quit the Figwheel process.

If you list your project directory you should see this:

$ ls

Some new files have been created. The main.js file and the out directory contain your compiled ClojureScript code.

If you look at the contents of main.js you will see:

if(typeof goog == "undefined") document.write('<script src="out/goog/base.js"></script>');
document.write('<script src="out/cljs_deps.js"></script>');
document.write('<script>if (typeof goog != "undefined") { goog.require("hello_seymore.core"); } else { console.warn("ClojureScript could not load :main, did you forget to specify :asset-path?"); };</script>');

document.write("<script>if (typeof goog != \"undefined\") { goog.require(\"figwheel.connect\"); }</script>");

The last line of main.js loads the code that will connect to the Figwheel server. This is what enables the Figwheel server to communicate with the application, which is running in the browser.