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Config Designλ︎

The overall design of the Practicalli Neovim Config Redux


  • bootstrap the aniseed package which compiles the Fennel configuration into Lua, which is then read by Neovim. Defines the entry point to the Fennel configuration as fnl/config/init.fnl
  • installs packer.nvim for package management
  • examples to disable language providers if programming language support is not required (node, perl, python3, ruby)


  • load plugin configuration namespace config.plugin
  • load config.util namespace to streamline key binding definitions
  • set the leader key as space and local-leader as ,
  • define key bindings - uses config.util (mapping to be moved to their own namespace)
  • set global Neovim options


Define plugins to add functionality to Neovim.

use is a private function that searches the plugin configuration map for the keyword :mod and loads the associated namespace (namespace defined with a keyword with the same name)

e.g. in the telescope plugin configuration :mod has a value of :telescope which will load the file fnl/config/plugin/telescope.fnl

  {:requires [:nvim-lua/popup.nvim
   :mod :telescope}

Packer downloads the nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim plugin and all the plugins in :requires section and search for the namespace telescope in file located in the following path fnl/config/plugin/telescope


The majority of default configuration settings are used for Conjure, with the exception of a few commonly used key bindings from Emacs CIDER & Spacemacs. The Heads Up Display (HUD) is also configured to be less intrusive, relying on mostly on inline results.

Include the conjure and aniseed namespaces

(module config.plugin.conjure
  {autoload {nvim aniseed.nvim}})

Configure keybindings to be closer to Spacemacs

;; Set e register for evaluation result
(set nvim.g.conjure#eval#result_register :e)

;; Evaluate root form (top level form) under the cursor
;; Default: `"er"`
(set nvim.g.conjure#mapping#eval_root_form "ef")

;; Evaluate root form under the cursor & insert result as comment
;; Default: `"ecr"`
(set nvim.g.conjure#mapping#eval_comment_root_form "e;")

;; Evaluate file loaded from disk
;; Default: `"ef"`
(set nvim.g.conjure#mapping#eval_file "el")

Configure the HUD to be less intrusive.

;; Width of HUD as percentage of the editor width
;; A float between 0.0 and 1.0.
;; Default: `0.42`
(set nvim.g.conjure#log#hud#width 1)

;; Display HUD
;; Default: `true`
(set nvim.g.conjure#log#hud#enabled false)

;; Preferred corner position for the HUD, over-ridden by HUD cursor detection
;; Example: Set to `"SE"` and HUD width to `1.0` for full width HUD at bottom of screen
;; Default: `"NE"`
(set nvim.g.conjure#log#hud#anchor "SE")

;; Open log at bottom or far right of editor, using full width or height
;; Default: `false`
(set nvim.g.conjure#log#botright true)

Practicalli encourages header comments at the start of each file to describe the purpose of the namespace, so the Clojure ns lookup is extended

;; Number of lines to check for `ns` form, used for setting evaluation context
;; `b:conjure#context` to override a specific buffer that isn't finding the context
;; Default: `24`
(set nvim.g.conjure#extract#context_header_lines 100)

Disable the auto-repl as practicalli prefers manage repl connections themselves

;; Start "auto-repl" process, eg. babashka
;; when Conjure unable to find candidate REPL process via to an existing nREPL connection
;; Default: `true`
(set nvim.g.conjure#client#clojure#nrepl#connection#auto_repl#enabled false)

;; Hide auto-repl buffer when triggered, to avoid the need to interact with that buffer
;; Default: `false`
(set nvim.g.conjure#client#clojure#nrepl#connection#auto_repl#hidden true)

;; Command to start the auto-repl
;; Default: `"bb nrepl-server localhost:8794"`
(set nvim.g.conjure#client#clojure#nrepl#connection#auto_repl#cmd nil)

;; Print raw evaluation result, suppressing prefix for stdout lines `; (out)`
;; Default: `false`
(set nvim.g.conjure#client#clojure#nrepl#eval#raw_out true)

;; Automatically require namespace of new buffer or current buffer after connection
;; Ensures buffers are loaded, required code to compile and (re)loadable.
;; Default: `true`
(set nvim.g.conjure#client#clojure#nrepl#eval#auto_require false)

Use lambdaisland/kaocha as the test runner rather, which has a fail fast feature which can be more effective when adding or changing functionality

;; Test runner called from the test key mappings
;; Default: `"clojure"`
(set nvim.g.conjure#client#clojure#nrepl#test#runner "kaocha")

;; Print raw test evaluation result, suppressing prefix for stdout lines `; (out)`
;; Default: `true`
(set nvim.g.conjure#client#clojure#nrepl#test#raw_out true)


Settings like ignore node_modules and everything in .gitignore to be listed in the file finder.

Defines a ripgrep command to set parameters for searching files

Add --hidden to see all dotfiles (regardless of .gitignore patterns)


  • <leader>ff open the find files
  • <leader>fg open the fuzzy finder
  • <leader>fb open the find open buffer
  • <leader>fh open the nvim help fuzzy finder


Defines which language parsers and modules to use.

  • automatically use clojure, fennel and markdown parsers (and compile on first run of Neovim)
  • automatically update language parsers when nvim-treesitter plugin updated
  • enable highlight module
  • enable indent module
  {:ensure_installed ["clojure" "fennel" "markdown"]
   :sync_install true
   :highlight {:enable true}
   :indent    {:enable true}})


Language Server Protocol for static analysis of code, to provide common formatting, linting and refactoring tooling across all programming languages.

Define which symbols to show for lsp diagnostics

(defn define-signs
  (let [error (.. prefix "SignError")
        warn  (.. prefix "SignWarn")
        info  (.. prefix "SignInfo")
        hint  (.. prefix "SignHint")]
  (vim.fn.sign_define error {:text "" :texthl error})
  (vim.fn.sign_define warn  {:text "" :texthl warn})
  (vim.fn.sign_define info  {:text "" :texthl info})
  (vim.fn.sign_define hint  {:text "" :texthl hint})))
  • features and server settings to enable/customize.
  • Handler defines features and how we want to render the server outputs.
  • Capabilities we link with our autocompletion plugin (nvim-cmp), to say to the lsp servers that we have this feature enabled.
  • On_Attach we customize our interaction with the LSP server, here we define the following keymaps:
  • configure all settings above in clojure-lsp server instance.


Configure sources to show in the autocomple menu (i.e. conjure, lsp, buffer) and key bindings to navigate the autocomplete popup menu.


Add the Neovim GitHub theme which gives 3 dark and 3 light themes to choose from. Individual colors and styles can be configured to change specific parts of the theme.

The light theme is used by default, with a custom softer background colour that is slightly red-shifted.

Options are specified in the theme.setup function, where the option names are keywords and the values are strings, boolean or hash-map of more option keywords and values.

(theme.setup {:theme_style "light"
              :colors {:bg "#f8f2e6"}
              :comment_style "italic"})

The colors (Hex values) for each theme are in the github-nvim-theme/lua/github-theme/palette with the overal theme definition in github-nvim-theme/lua/github-theme/theme.lua


Settings for vim-sexp like enabling it for another lisp languages like Fennel and Jannet


Configure the status line (lualine) that shows at the bottom of Neovim, defining colors and elements that appear on that line.

The Neovim GitHub theme includes definitions to set the look of the status line.