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Practicalli Service templateλ︎

Develop web services and APIs using the practicalli/service template.

clojure -T:project/create :template practicalli/service

The practicalli/services includes:

  • http-kit provides an HTTP web server responding to HTTP requests
  • reitit routing
  • mulog event logging and publisher
  • Portal data inspector
  • Makefile with common Practicalli tasks

A component system can be included by providing the :component :donut or :component integrant command line arguments.

Component systemsλ︎

Components in the system can be managed during development by evaluating functions in the REPL.

  • (start) starts all components in order
  • (stop) stops all components in order
  • (restart) reload changed namespaces and restart all components in order
  • (system) prints out the system configuration

The system-repl.clj defines the functions to manage components, using the chosen component library, e.g. Donut system, Integrant REPL.

When running the application from the command line, the src/domain/project/service/-main function calls the initialisation of components and creates a var called running-system that contains the initialised system components. -main contains a shutdown hook that responds to SIGTERM signals, triggering a shutdown of components in the running-system.

Include Donut system configuration and REPL functions

clojure -T:project/create :template practicalli/service :component :donut
  • src/domain/project/system.clj defines the system components
  • dev/system-repl.clj defines funtions to manage the system components

Each component is defined within the system namespace in the domain.project.system/main hash-map. Each component definition has a start and stop function, optionally passing configuration options and environment variables for that component.

Include Integrant system configuration and Integrant REPL functions to support development

clojure -T:project/create :template practicalli/service :component :integrant
  • src/domain/project/system.clj defines the system components
  • dev/system-repl.clj defines funtions to manage the system components

Each component is started with an init multi-method with a the specific component name (keyword). Each init multi-method provides the specific Clojure code to start the component.

A halt multi-method is provided for each component that requires shutting down, e.g. http server, database pool, logging publisher, etc.

During development and testing, the components are managed from the user namespace by evaluating the (start), (stop) or (restart) functions.

Using the projectλ︎

Run the REPL

make repl

The REPL prompt is displayed using Rebel for a rich UI experience. Portal data inspector window is displayed and all evaluation results and mulog events are automatically sent to Portal.

An nREPL server is running in the background for connecting Clojure aware editors.

Run tests (stopping on first failing test)

make test