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Test Selectorsλ︎

As a project grows in scope its important that tests continue to run quickly. Test runs which take a noticeable time to complete diminish the motivation to run tests frequently.

Divide tests into categories to run selective tests, continuing to provide fast feedback. Longer running tests can be run less often without loosing quality in the feedback from tests.

Test runners use test selectors to run a specific categories, or exclude test selectors so all tests except that category runs.

kaocha focus and skipping

kaocha can group tests into categories in the tests.edn configuration, providing a way to focus or exclude different types of tests (e.g. :unit and :spec)

Test category metadataλ︎

Add metadata to deftest functions to provide categories of tests, e.g. integration, persistence, etc.

(deftest ^:integration register-customer
  (is ,,,))

Example from Banking on Clojure

(deftest ^:persistence new-customer-test
  (testing "New customer generative testing")
  (is (spec/valid?
        (:customer/id (SUT/new-customer
                        (spec-gen/generate (spec/gen :customer/unregistered)))))))

Test Selectorsλ︎

Start a test selective category of tests running by specifying test selectors to include or exclude.

kaocha supports meta data on deftest expressions and has its own metadata tag for skipping tests, ^:koacha/skip

Examples of tests with and without test selectors

(deftest simple-test
  (is (= 1 1)))

(deftest ^:integration system-update-test
  (is (spec/valid? :system/update (long-running-function))))

(deftest ^:kaocha/skip under-development-test
  (is (= 3 21/7)))

Tests with test selector metadata can be skipped using a tests.edn configuration

{:tests [{:kaocha.filter/skip-meta [:integration]}]}

Running kaocha will only run the simple-test, skipping the other two tests.

Specifying --skip-meta on the command line gives the same results

bin/kaocha --skip-meta :metadata-name

Running tests with the universal argument will prompt for test selector filters and only Run those tests that match the selector inclusions/exclusions.

SPC u , t a runs all tests, prompting for tests selector names to include (space separated)

Spacemacs Clojure Cider Test Runner test selector prompt - include

Then prompting for the test selectors to exclude. A warning displays if CIDER does not find the test selector name.

Spacemacs Clojure Cider Test Runner test selector prompt - include

Invoke the CIDER test runner commands with the universal argument and CIDER will prompt for test selector filters, running only those tests that match the selector inclusions/exclusions.

C-c C-t p runs all the tests in a project.

C-u C-c C-t p prompts for test selectors and runs the matching tests in a project.

C-c C-t l runs all tests currently evaluated in the REPL.

C-u C-c C-t l prompts for test selectors and runs the matching tests currently evaluated in the REPL.

CIDER first prompts for the test selectors to include:

Spacemacs Clojure Cider Test Runner test selector prompt - include

Then prompts for the test selectors to exclude. A warning displays if CIDER does not find the test selector name.

Spacemacs Clojure Cider Test Runner test selector prompt - include

The Cognitect Labs test runner uses command line options to specify test selectors, --include and --exclude.

Practicalli Clojure CLI Config configuration provides the :test/congnitect alias.

clojure -M:test/cognitect --include :database only runs tests with the ^:database test selector

clojure -M:test/cognitect --exclude :integration runs all tests except those with the ^:integration test selector
