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interrupt Evaluationsλ︎

, e i calls cider-interrupt which will stop the current evaluation.

A long running evaluation may occur when processing a large data set or in a non-terminating loop.

REPL status in buffer mini-barλ︎

The REPL buffer shows a visual indicator of evaluation, known as a spinner e.g. [=== ], in the mode line when the current evaluation is taking more than one seconds to complete.

The visual indicator spinner shows the REPL is actively processing an evaluation, although is not an indicator of how much progress has been attained or time left for completion.

Spacemacs Clojure - CIDER REPL buffer spinner examples

Configure spinner typeλ︎

cider-eval-spinner-type defines the type of visual indicator to use in the REPL buffer mini-bar for long running evaluations.

SPC h v spinner-types to see the available types. The default value 'progress-bar

cider-eval-spinner-delay defines in seconds when to show the spinner. The default is 1 second.

cider-show-eval-spinner set to t enables the spinner, set to nil disables the spinner (default t).

Spinner types availableλ︎

SPC h v spinner-types show the following available spinner.el types

((3-line-clock .
               ["┤" "┘" "┴" "└" "├" "┌" "┬" "┐"])
 (2-line-clock .
               ["┘" "└" "┌" "┐"])
 (flipping-line .
                ["_" "\\" "|" "/"])
 (rotating-line .
                ["-" "\\" "|" "/"])
 (progress-bar .
               ["[    ]" "[=   ]" "[==  ]" "[=== ]" "[====]" "[ ===]" "[  ==]" "[   =]"])
 (progress-bar-filled .
                      ["|    |" "|█   |" "|██  |" "|███ |" "|████|" "| ███|" "|  ██|" "|   █|"])
 (vertical-breathing .
                     ["▁" "▂" "▃" "▄" "▅" "▆" "▇" "█" "▇" "▆" "▅" "▄" "▃" "▂" "▁" " "])
 (vertical-rising .
                  ["▁" "▄" "█" "▀" "▔"])
 (horizontal-breathing .
                       [" " "▏" "▎" "▍" "▌" "▋" "▊" "▉" "▉" "▊" "▋" "▌" "▍" "▎" "▏"])
 (horizontal-breathing-long .
                            ["  " "▎ " "▌ " "▊ " "█ " "█▎" "█▌" "█▊" "██" "█▊" "█▌" "█▎" "█ " "▊ " "▋ " "▌ " "▍ " "▎ " "▏ "])
 (horizontal-moving .
                    ["  " "▌ " "█ " "▐▌" " █" " ▐"])
 (minibox .
          ["▖" "▘" "▝" "▗"])
 (triangle .
           ["◢" "◣" "◤" "◥"])
 (box-in-box .
             ["◰" "◳" "◲" "◱"])
 (box-in-circle .
                ["◴" "◷" "◶" "◵"])
 (half-circle .
              ["◐" "◓" "◑" "◒"])
 (moon .
       ["🌑" "🌘" "🌗" "🌖" "🌕" "🌔" "🌓" "🌒"]))