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Built in snippets

Yasnippet Built-in Snippetsλ︎

Yasnippet official snippet collection contains Emacs mode specific snippets that are automatically included in Spacemacs.

In web major mode, typing link and pressing M-/ expands to <link rel="stylesheet" href="url" type="text/css" media="screen" /> placing the cursor on stylesheet.

TAB moves the cursor to url to change the name of the CSS file.

TAB again until the end marker is reached.

Spacemacs - Snippets - Web html link expanded

Clojure mode snippetsλ︎

There are numerous snippets that provide short-cuts for the minimal amount of common code structure in Clojure.

defn M-/ will expand to a function definition expression with the cursor in the position for the function name. TAB will jump to the argument list, docstring and body of the function definition in turn.

With snippets added to the auto-completion tooltip, typing def show the matching snippets and function names. Where a menu item as an -> it denotes a snippet, e.g. def -> defand defn -> defn.

Common Clojure snippets includeλ︎

Snippet Description Tab Stops
defn defn function definition name, docstring, args, body
for for iterative macro condition, body
if if conditional expression condition, body
ifl if-let - if true, bind local name binding, body
let let - bind a local name to value name, value, body
map.lambda map with anonymous function #() fn, body
ns ns - current namespace inserted automatically N/A
reduce reduce - reduce expression with an anonymous function args, body
require :require expression with library and alias library, alias
test deftest expression test description, value/expected

See the Clojure Snippets Reference for a complete list

Write your own snippets

writing your own snippets is fairly simple for Clojure or any other language you use with Spacemacs / Emacs

Clojure namespace snippetλ︎

The ns snippet adds a namespace expression with the namespace of the current file, this requires a running REPL.

Space f f to create a new file, using underscores in the file name to separate words. Any underscores in the file name are converted into dashes in the ns definition

Type ns and then Tab / to expand the snippet, which included the namespace of the current file.

If using snippets with auto-completion tool-tips, Tab or arrow keys to select ns -> ns snippet, Enter to insert snippet using the buffer file name