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Branching in Magitλ︎

Every Git commit is made on a branch, the default branch name is master. A new branch should be created when developing a new feature, especially when working on an pull request. Branches are used to try pull requests made by others.

Spacemacs Magit branching menu

Creating a branchλ︎

SPC g s opens the Magit Status buffer.

b c creates a new branch, first prompting for the name of the existing branch to use as the starting point, then prompting for the name of the new branch.

Alternative, b s creates a tracking branch, useful when working with existing remote branches

Branch from an earlier commitλ︎

SPC g s opens the Magit status buffer

b b to select a different branch if required (optional)

l l opens a long log, showing all the commits from the current branch

j/k to navigate the commit history. Move to the commit on which to make a new branch

b c to create a new branch from the current commit, prompting for the name of the new branch.

The new branch is now set.