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Space q r (restart-emacs) is a quick way to resolve some issues, especially when installing multiple packages. Some Emacs packages depend on others being present, which may not be the case when first installing.

Space f e D (ediff) to compare your Spacemacs configuration with the default Spacemacs configuration. j and k to navigate the differences, b to copy a change from the Spacemacs configuration to your own. q to quit comparing, ? for more help.

Switch to the Spacemacs develop branch to get the latest fixes and features (until version 0.300 is release to master).

Read the latest docs at or the layer specific files on GitHub

Reviewing issuesλ︎

View the Spacemacs issues on GitHub before submitting a new issue. You may find a fix to your problem, even if only a temporary solution.

Space h d s generates system information in the kill ring that should be added to help confirm an existing issue with meaningful data, helping to identify the root cause.

Also review the GitHub issues for a specific package that may be causing issues. A search for emacs package-name should help you find its GitHub repository.

Ask the communityλ︎

If you are unsure if you have found an issue, or do not understand why some behavior is happening, then ask the Spacemacs community, they are very helpful and friendly.

Reporting Issuesλ︎

Space h I to create an issue on the Spacemacs GitHub repository which includes Spacemacs environment details, helping others understand and resolve the issue effectively.

Please do not raise an issue directly via the GitHub website. If you do, you will slow down the response to this issue and the first response to your issue will be to provide system information.

Specific Package Issueλ︎

If there are issues with a particular package, delete the package directory from the ~/.emacs.d/elpa/<emacs-version>/develop/ directory.

Space q r to restart Spacemacs and download the package again.

Issues after package updateλ︎

If multiple packages are causing issues after an update, or you are short on time to diagnose an issue, then rollback to the packages used before the update.

Space b h to visit the Spacemacs home page and select Rollback Package Update

Spacemacs - Home buffer - Rollback package update

Restore individual packages

Instead of a full rollback, copy specific package directories from ~/.emacs.d/.cache/.rollback/<emacs-version>/develop to the elpa directory ~/.emacs.d/elpa/<emacs-version>/develop

Emacs package recipe for specific versionλ︎

Spacemacs installs packages from MELPA, which builds Emacs packages from the latest commit (GitHub/GitLab).

If a newly installed package has an issue, rather than rollback all the packages upgraded, configure a package recipe to point to an older version of the package.

For example, pin the cider package to a specific Git commit by adding the following recipe to dotspacemacs-additional-packages

(cider :location
   (recipe :fetcher github
           :repo "clojure-emacs/cider"
           :commit "ae376429a8cf22b82a9e18ff844bdfbe5fc7ecc1"))

Delete the package from ~/.emacs.d/elpa/ directory and reload the Spacemacs configuration, SPC f e R (or restart Emacs SPC q r)

Related or dependent packages may also need a recipe or at least their packages removed from the elpa directory.

Scorched Earth approachλ︎

Delete ~/.emacs.d/elpa director and SPC q r to restart Spacemacs. This will remove any complied Emacs packages that may have become corrupted or replace older packages that are now causing issues.

As there are 100's of packages, the scorched earth approach of just deleting them and downloading fresh copies can be surprisingly effective at resolving issues with very little effort.

Debugging Spacemacsλ︎

The Spacemacs debugging page explains concepts needed to debug Spacemacs and to report issues in an useful way.

Issues with spawned processesλ︎

SPC a p (list-processes) lists the processes started by or from within Spacemacs, eg. for Clojure its nrepl-server and nrepl-connection processes when running cider-jack-in. Use SPC a P (proced) to see all operating system processes.

Spacemacs Applications - Process list

d to immediately kill a process (no prompt is given to confirm kill action).

The process list shows the command used to start the process, which can be useful in diagnosing issues.

RET on buffer name in the process list will open that buffer in a separate window.

If there are problems shutting down the REPL, , s q q (cider-quit), check to see if the CIDER nrepl-server or nrepl-connection process has been killed.

q to quit the process list buffer.

Identify rogue processes

Space a P lists all operating system processes Space Space helm-top displays a list of running processes

Profiling Emacsλ︎

Space Space profiler-start to start monitoring how much CPU and memory resources that different parts of Emacs are using. The profiler is especially useful if there are slow running commands or Emacs is unresponsive at times.

Space Space profiler-report displays buffers showing the results of profiling Emacs.

Spacemacs Emacs Profiler report

Space Space profiler-stop to stop profiling Emacs.