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Clone remote repositoriesλ︎

Magit can clone repositories from GitHub and GitLab.

SPC g c (magit-clone) to clone a remote repository, specifying how the remote repository will be referenced

u to use the full URL, or the simpler name practicalli/spacemacs

A prompt is displays to define the path where the remote repository should be cloned too.

C-left-arrow and C-right-arrow to navigate the path without changing it. RET to confirm the path.

If the remote repository is not from your own GitHub account or an Organisation you are part of, a prompt asks if you wish to create a fork of the project. y will create a fork in your GitHub/GitLab account

Forks can only be created on a user account, there is no option to select an organisation in which to create a fork

The remote repository is cloned to the specified location.

y at the final prompt will set the remote repository as the default push destination (shown when using P from Magit Status).

Hint::Create and Fork repositoriesλ︎

Magit forge can be used to create and fork repositories on GitHub and GitLab

Update the remote nameλ︎

The remote is added with the name origin, which is not particularly descriptive (and in a distributed world, not necessarily accurate)

Changing the remote to use a specific name, i.e. the account or org from which it was cloned, makes it easier to know where changes are located.

M in Magit Status shows the details of the remote repositories.

r to rename a selected remote, showing a list of available remotes. C-j and C-k to navigate the list of remotes

Opening filesλ︎

Whilst still in Magit Status buffer, Spacemacs knows you are in the project that has been cloned.

SPC p f will list all the files from the cloned repository, simplifying the navigation to the project.

If a file is not opened from the project, q to leave the Magit Status buffer will return to a buffer that is not in the current project, so use SPC f f and navigate to the location of the cloned repository.

Pushing / Pulling changesλ︎

P p pushes local commits and is set to the fork if you created one after the clone, otherwise its the cloned repository

F u pulls remote commits from the cloned repository (upstream)

See Pull Changes and Push Changes for more details.